Tuesday, January 31, 2006

How I love thee!

There are so many reasons why I love you but here are a couple:

The way that you take care of Rory and I. Without you in our lifes, I don't know what we would do. Who would change all of the stinky diapers? Who would talk to everyone on the phone? Who would do all of the little things that go unnoticed during the day? Not me, I don't even know what they are. But you do them!

You carry your self with dignity and respect. I have learned so much just from watching you. Sometimes when I'm not saying anything, I am just watching your beauty dance across the floor like its nothing. You are graceful, elegant, and miraculous. I love you, I love you, I love you. You are my sunrise over sea.

We long for the simple days of no doctors appointments, no medicine, or no rush visits to Kosair's. We long for simplicity, simplicity, simplicity. But if we stop and look. Life could be much harder if we didn't have each other. I could never fill the shoes that you walk in. I love you for you. I married you for you. Don't change, I love you.

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