Thursday, February 02, 2006

You are my joy

Tuesday morning, Jen noticed that Bella's eyes were dialating and retracting. So she called the neurologist and they, of course, said to take her to Kosair's Children Hospital. So Jen takes her down there about 11 am. Jen calls about every two hours to give me an update. They did a CT Scan, MRI, and x-rays while there. These probably take about 30 minutes total to do. She was told the wrong information twice by people other than doctors. You know lab techs and such. So they got our worries up for nothing. Jen sat in ER. Not the big ER room but the little room that they move you to. You know the room with a bed, sink, and two chairs. She called me at 8:30pm to tell me that they were going to be admitted. So I ventured down to Kosair's. We all sat in the little ER room until about 1:30am. We finally got a room. They did another CT Scan in the morning. Then we went home.

We did get some good news. The tumor has SHRUNK!!! I don't have any dimensions but they could tell with their eyes that the it had SHRUNK!!! God moves in strange ways. Ways in which I will never understand.

Cya later
Jen, Jw, and Booger Bella

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