Thursday, November 17, 2005

In Hospital and finally started chemo

We have had a very long 4 days. Monday, we spent forever in the hospital. That I've already talked about. Tuesday, we talked to the oncologist in the office. We think that she will start chemo. She had to go for a GFS test on her kidneys and have blood drawn. She is ok with both of them. She is so strong and I am so weak. So we go back to the doctors office and wait about 3 hours before they tell us that they are closing the building because of the bad weather coming. Can we come back tomorrow? Wednesday, We go expecting to start chemo. We get there and Bella has a fever of 100.9, dehydrated, and constipated. So off to the hospital we go, again. They gave her fluids all day, medicine for the constipation, but she still can't keep any food down. Everything comes back up. She is very irriratable and can't rest. She finally starts keep pedialyte down on Thursday morning. Her fever went down an hour after being in the hospital(lucky us). Thursday, she gets to start chemo. She started it around 3ish this afternoon. She seems to be doing fine with it. We prayed that the chemo has the opposite effect on her. That she will laugh at it and it has no effect.

Jennifer and I struggle everyday with this. Its hard to watch her going through this and be able to do nothing. We struggle with anger issues as well. We cry on each other. One is strong while the other cries. I guess we just keep taking turns, one is strong and the other is weak. We go back and forth. Sleep is a big issue right now, or lack of it.

We are glad to hear that Taylor is doing great. That gives both of us hope for the future. We pray that she never has to deal with this again.

Uncle Jerry just wants to tell Carson(the punk) that Bella is doing better. For him not to worry, that God is in control of everything.

We love getting the emails, cards, and phone calls. We cry sometimes just thinking of the support that has been give to us.

Love everyone,
Jen, Jw, and "little chicken lips" Bella

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