Friday, November 11, 2005

Central Line

Bella is scheduled to get a central line put in on Monday at 8:00am. We still don't know what form of chemo she will be given. We have gotten to the point of praying for a miracle. We ask God everynite just to take the thing away. We struggle with this...the why's? Why our baby? I'm sure this is what every parent says when something bad happens to their kids.

I have never seen so many people come together for us. Everytime we turn around we are hearing of something else for Baby Bella. A garage sale, a fund raiser, checking account, or someone sending us a card or email. I have never felt so loved in all of my life. I had almost gotten to the point of seeing bad in everything and everyone. I could never focus on the good. I now see the good and try not to see any bad in any situation. I know there is bad and this tumor is bad. But I now feel like I have my family back. I feel like I have my brother back. I feel like we now have a new family in Trinity Free Will Baptist. We love everyone of you. Please just keep on praying for Baby Bella, Jen, and I. We laugh and cry with Bella everyday. Somedays there is more crying than laughing but we try to see the good. The good is we still have Bella here on earth with us. We also try to focus on "It is better to have loved than have never loved at all"

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