Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A poem written for Bella

ashley wrote this about bella (based on bella roo)...


and as they sing and strike their strings
your life hangs between the balance of every ring
you know more than we
what this all means..

you're above us,
and beyond us,
so inspire and require us,
to take note of what you cling to:
this precious substance,
this priceless life,
that we all mean to,
not take for granted.

but yet,
we do.

let our carelessness be used,
to perhaps save the life of you.


Anonymous said...

The poem is beatuiful!!! But most of all my Bella is beatuiful!!! She is growing up in ways that we never thought possible!!! I am always so happy to see family pictures on her blog, espically ones of my son, for I went through great trouble to get him into this world, and now Bella is my pay back!!What a gift she is. Actually she is my nursing graduation gift!!! Bella we love and adore you. Love from Glasgow nana and pappaw

Anonymous said...

Nana, if you ever decide to go back to school, I don't know that I can give you the same type of graduation gift!