Friday, September 29, 2006

Look into my eyes


wagners of rock said...

we are mesmerized.

Anonymous said...

There you are looking for your Nana!!! I just wonder where you got those big beatuiful blue eyes!!!! I say that all my grandkids look just like me but in reality the only person that anybody ever says looks like me is my daughter in law Dacia!!! You are so sneakie!!! God I thank you and praise you every minute for this miracle that you have put in my life. God I thank you for opening my eyes to all the simple things that i take for granted. Just a simple smile and a soft noise from bella is a miracle. Thank you for answering our prayers. Thank you for teaching me not to ask for a cure but to accept and trust in you. For I know that you are truly Bella's DR and the greatest of all. Love Nana