Sunday, April 01, 2007

Happy April Fool's Day!

Well, since I can't talk, I can't play any April Fool's jokes on mommy or daddy. However, I invite everyone to get in the spirit and try and play one on them for me.

In other news, I'm in love with Cheerios. I don't want anything else. Mommy threatens to send me to Cheerios Anonymous if I don't start eating other foods.

Have a great day!



Anonymous said...

I don't know an April's Fool for you, but I do know that someone special is coming to see you for a few days. I wonder who that could be? Hint, hint - he's driving from Georgia.
Happy Spring Miss Bella.

Jen from Boston said...

Hey y'all,
Coming from the state that brings you dice-k and the red sox, glad to hear bella is happy and healthy. sending all my prayers and good thoughts your way.
take care,
jen from boston