Sunday, October 09, 2005

Worst Day of My Life

We found out on 10-06-05 that our baby Bella has a mass in between her brain and her brain stem. That's not good. Also, that she had fluid built up on her head. So, they had to go in and put a shunt in. A shunt is a tube that runs from the brain to the stomach allowing the fluid to drain out. That's the easy part. The MRI showed us the brain and the mass that shouldn't be there. Our stomachs hurt from crying so much. So many questions go through your head at one time. With absolutely no answers. Why my baby? Why or Who am I angry at? Just Why? Well, we just sit and ask question after question in our heads. We cry, we laugh, and we sit with glazed eyes. But right now all that we can so is LOVE Bella and PRAY for Bella. We don't need to cry, we just need to love and pray to God that somehow he will take care of the situation. Whether it be in a good or bad way, He has a plan for Bella. Maybe, we don't understand but what really do we understand. So all I ask is for Pray and Love for Daddy's Little Girl, Rory Isabella "Bella" Shoemaker.


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