We have been going full force for the last few months. At the end of April we moved to Bowling Green, KY. Go Toppers! The move went smooth and we are pretty much unpacked.
In May Bella had an MRI, the first one since ending chemo in February. It showed no growth. She'll have her next MRI in August. If that one shows no growth, then she should be able to go off of some of her medication. Thank God! Plus she'll hopefully be able to resume her immunizations. That would be one more step to normalcy.
Bella continues to develop at breakneck speed. She is making a sound similar to "z". She's standing in her walker and is starting to search out objects she knows is within close range. She's starting to interact with toys and seems to be getting closer to crawling. All of these are such a testament to God's presence in her life.
The biggest change might be in her understanding the word "no". She will shake her head when she does't want something. She's even created a game out of this. You can ask her for a kiss and she will shake her head no. What a silly girl!
Like any two year old she has tantrums. This is my greatest challenge because I don't know how much she understands and she has no way of really communicating to me. I know she must spend a lot of time frustrated because she can't communicate her needs/wants, so she throws a tantrum. I have to be careful when putting her in timeout because I don't want to punish her for being frustrated because she can't communicate. I do want to punish her when her behavior is bad. So it is a delicate balance I try to maintain.
I just want to thank all of you who have e-mailed. You know who you are. And I just want to ask everyone to keep our family in your prayers.
Sorry the update has taken so long to come.
Jen and Bella